Axians DPCM X – New Release Webinar – Join us for the latest and greatest!

14H00 bis 15H00
  • Datum: 27.06.2024
  • Zeit: 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
  • Ort: Online an Ihrem PC


Christian Heitkamp
Kontakt aufnehmen

We proudly announce the latest release of DPCM X 10.6 and will also give you the latest updates from our team and the Axians organization.

Since all our schedules are busy, we are happy to provide you a recording after the webinar – please register in any case to not miss the latest and greatest!

  • What’s new at Axians & DPCM
  • Overview new functionalities of DPCM X 10.6
    SR-IOV / vNIC Integration
    AIX + VIO Update / Migration functionalities
  • AIX Update / Migration / NIMADM / Alt-Disk-Copy
  • VIOS Update / Upgrade / Alt-Disk-Copy
    Introduction SAN-Switch and Storage Inventory
    LPM enhancements
    Additional Bulk functions
  • DPCM X Roadmap
  • DPCM R1 End-of-Support statement
  • DPCM X 10.6 Live Demo


Christian Heitkamp, Product Manager DPCM

Sebastian Luckau, Architect DPCM & IBM Power Guru

Wir freuen uns auf ihre Teilnahme,

Ihr DPCM-Team
